Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An Afternoon at the Strawberry Patch..

There's an incredibly sweet couple at our church that own and run a strawberry patch in the area. Since April and May are "Strawberry Season" Mitch and I decided to make a trip to the patch and pick some yummy, ripe berries! Here are a few pictures from our afternoon! Thanks so much Mike and Deek for letting us pick some of your amazing berries! :)

Mitch and I with our bucket full of berries! :)

Our beautiful bucket of ripe strawberries!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Weeks 26 and 27

26 Weeks

27 Weeks

How far along? 28 weeks

How big is the baby? About 2 1/2 pounds and 15 inches long :)

Weight gain? At my last doctor's appointment I'd gained about 4 lbs (in a month's time!)

Stretchmarks? The two or three definitely haven't gone anywhere!

Sleep? Sleep is definitely a struggle at this point... I can't get comfortable on either side or my back! I've finally given in to putting a pillow underneath my tummy when I lay on my side in order to be more comfortable..

Best moment of the week? Seeing ripples across my belly as Hensley moved!

Food and Cravings? Anything sweet!

Movement? I feel her ALL THE TIME now! It's wonderful! :)

What I miss? Sleep... and being active like I was before I was prego..

Belly Button? Still an innie, but almost an outtie! :)

Looking forward to? Cleaning Hensley's carpet later this week and setting up her crib and dresser/changer combo!

Milestone? Entering my third (last) trimester! :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weeks 23, 24, and 25

Sorry I've gotten a little behind lately on the picture posts! Lots to update! :)

23 Weeks :)

24 Weeks :)

25 Weeks :)

How far along? 26 weeks

How big is the baby? Almost two pounds and fourteen inches long

Weight gain? I don't get on the scale until my monthly doctor appointments!

Stretchmarks? I now have two or three... Not thrilled about them, but Hensley's worth it :)

Sleep? Sleep is definitely a struggle at this point... I can't get comfortable on either side or my back!

Best moment of the week? Mitch feeling Hensley move for the first time :)

Food and Cravings? Anything sweet!

Movement? I feel her ALL THE TIME now! It's wonderful! :)

What I miss? Sleep...

Belly Button? Still an innie, but almost an outtie! :)

Looking forward to? Finishing up Hensley's nursery :)

Milestone? Mitch being able to feel Hensley move from the outside of my tummy :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

21 and 22 Weeks :)

I absolutely can't believe that in just a few months we'll be meeting our baby girl. We're so in love with her already. Every time I feel her move in my tummy, I can't help but smile. God is so good and we are so so thankful for this blessing.

21 Weeks :)

22 Weeks :)

How far along? 22 weeks

How big is the baby? Almost a pound and 11 inches long :)

Weight gain? I don't get on the scale until my monthly doctor appointments!

Stretchmarks? I now have two or three... Not thrilled about them, but Hensley's worth it :)

Sleep? I'm struggling with sleep again... I can't sleep on my back or stomach and I'm not always comfortable on either side, so needless to say I'm up at night :(

Best moment of the week? Finding Hensley's bedding for $20!

Food and Cravings? Ice cream! :) Thanks Carshonda! haha

Movement? I'm feeling her move on a regular basis now and I absolutely love it!

What I miss? Sleep...

Belly Button? Still an innie! :)

Looking forward to? My first shower in a few weeks! :)

Milestone? Feeling Hensley move regularly :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Belles and Beaus

Now that I'm going to be a mommy this summer, I've come to discover children's consignment sales and I have to say that I absolutely LOVE THEM!!! I volunteered at a HUGE sale in town this week and had the opportunity to shop on volunteer night and I was very overwhelmed to say the least. Clothes, strollers, pack and plays, even breast pumps, you name it, it was there!

I found the PERFECT bedding for Hensley a few days ago while volunteering at the sale. To make a long story short, I've been searching for weeks for different beddings that I really liked. I looked at Target, Babies R Us, and Wal-Mart to name a few, but I just couldn't find anything that really hit me with "This Is It". Well, I saw the bedding on Tuesday, but couldn't shop until Wednesday night (volunteer night), so I just prayed and prayed that if God really wanted Hensley to have this particular bedding that it would still be there when I arrived last night to shop. Well, thankfully, it was still there! I got her crib skirt, bumper pad, two sets of matching sheets, and her blanket for $20! Such a great deal and I' now one happy moma! :) I can't wait to paint her room light purple to match her bedding!

Sneak Peek of Hensley's bedding :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

20 Week Appointment

I can't say it enough... God is so good! Mitch and I went this past Friday morning for my 20 week appointment. This appointment consisted of so many exciting things! We would find out whether or not our baby is healthy, specifically his/her heart, lungs, brain, and kidneys, as well as, finding out the baby's gender. Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well on Thursday night! Thankfully, Friday turned out to be a great appointment with news that brought such happiness to Mitch and myself. Our sweet baby GIRL is completely healthy and already weighs 11 ounces!

Every good and perfect gift comes from HIM! James 1:17

She's going to be a shy one! Covering up her little face with her arms :)

Love her sweet profile.. It kind of looks like she's sucking her thumb! :)

We're having a sweet Baby Girl! :)

After my appointment on Friday we decided to go to Babies R us to buy Hensley Elizabeth her first girlie outfit! :) It had to be purple! :)

Below are a few other outfits that sweet friends and family have bought Hensley! :)

Ducky PJ's, Tennessee Vols Onesie, and I <3>

Sweet gift set from Amy, Brandon, and Cooper :)

How far along? 20 1/2 weeks..

How big is the baby? About the length of a banana and 11 ounces! :)

Weight gain? 5 lbs in the last month.. It's been a bad "healthy eating" month!

Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!

Sleep? I've been so exhausted that I've slept GREAT!

Best moment of the week? Seeing our sweet baby girl on the ultrasound and finding out that she's very healthy!

Food and Cravings? I haven't really had any cravings this week..

Movement? I think that I'm beginning to feel her..

What I miss? Lots of Sweet Tea!

Belly Button? Still an innie! :)

Looking forward to? Registering for baby items! :)

Milestone? Learning that we have a healthy baby girl! :)

20 Weeks- She's the size of a cantaloupe this week! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

18 and 19 Weeks!

Are you surprised that I'm behind?! :) :) Playing catch-up once again!

18 Weeks :)

19 Weeks :)

How far along? 19 1/2 weeks..

How big is the baby? About 6 1/2 inches long and half a pound :)

Weight gain? Will know Friday!

Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!

Sleep? I've been so exhausted that I've slept GREAT!

Best moment of the week? Being able to tell that I have a "Baby Bump"

Food and Cravings? I haven't really had any cravings this week..

Movement? I haven't felt the baby move this week that I know of.. Thinking the last time was a false feeling!

What I miss? Being thinner, although the weight gain is for a great reason! :)

Belly Button? Still an innie! :)

Looking forward to? FRIDAY at 9:30! My 20 week appointment where we'll find out if Baby E's a boy or girl!

Milestone? A true, official "Baby Bump" :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

17 Weeks :)

How far along? 17 1/2 weeks... 18 weeks tomorrow!

How big is the baby? About 6 inches long

Weight gain? I haven't gotten on the scale this week because my diet hasn't been very healthy...

Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!

Sleep? I'm sleeping better than last week, but still not sleeping very well..

Best moment of the week? Recognizing our baby move for the first time!

Food and Cravings? Sweets of any kind... I said this hasn't been a healthy eating week!

Movement? Felt the baby move for the first time this week!! Soooooo exciting!

What I miss? Sleeping well..

Belly Button? Still an innie :)

Looking forward to? My 20 week appointment where we find out if Baby Evans is a boy or girl!

Milestone? Feeling Baby Evans move several times this week :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

16 Weeks :)

Time goes by soooooooo fast! I can't believe that I'll be 17 weeks along on Thursday. We're already so in love with this baby. Today at my 16 week appointment I got to hear our sweet one's heartbeat. Since I only get to hear his/her heartbeat at my doctor's appointments each month it's such a special time for me. Tears filled my eyes today when I heard the precious sound... God is so good and I'm beyond thankful with how He's taken care of me and the baby over the past weeks. I pray for this child daily and I'm so excited to learn of the exciting plans that God has for his/her future.

How far along? 16 1/2 weeks

How big is the baby? About 5-6 inches long

Weight gain? 3.5 lbs since my 12 week appointment

Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!

Sleep? I can't sleep on my stomach anymore...

Best moment of the week? Hearing my love's heartbeat today at my doctor's appointment!

Food and Cravings? Cookies and Cream Ice Cream :)

Movement? No movement yet.. Can't wait for it to happen!

What I miss? Being able to fit into my old clothes..

Belly Button? Still an innie :)

Looking forward to? My 20 week appointment where we find out if Baby Evans is a boy or girl!

Milestone? Having a great checkup today :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

15 Weeks!

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 1/2 weeks

How big is the baby? About 5-6 inches long

Weight gain? not sure... I'm terrified of getting on the scale!

Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!

Sleep? I'm sleeping better this week :)

Best moment of the week? A baby bump really beginning to show!

Food and Cravings? Apples with Peanut Butter.. Yumm!

Movement? No movement yet.. Can't wait for it to happen!

What I miss? Being able to do some of the things that non-prego people get to do... like ice skate!

Belly Button? Still an innie :)

Looking forward to? My 16 week appointment next Tuesday!

Milestone? No particular milestone this week...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Playing Catch Up!

Throughout my pregnancy I'm trying to keep our blog updated with weekly pregnancy pics and survey and I feel like I'm already behind! haha! I've included two pictures this week, one from Week 13 and one from Week 14! I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow, so I'll be adding another within the next few days!

Week 13.. The baby's the size of a peach this week!

14 weeks... The baby's the size of a lemon this week! :)

How far along? 14 weeks, 15 weeks tomorrow!

How big is the baby?
Almost 4 inches :)

Weight gain?
about a pound since last week

Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!

I'm used to sleeping on my stomach and it's becoming more difficult to sleep comfortably throughout the night on my stomach, so I end up on my side :)

Best moment of the week? The start of my "Baby Bump"! :)

Food and Cravings?
chocolate chip cookies this week... not a healthy craving!

No movement yet..

What I miss?
Being able to wear my old clothes!

Belly Button?
Still an innie :)

Looking forward to?
Hearing our sweet one's heartbeat again at our Feb. 1 appointment (16 week appt)

Milestone? The beginning of a "Baby Bump"! :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

For those of you who didn't know...

Mitch and I are expecting our first child in July!!! We are soooooo excited about this blessing that God's given us! I'm 13, almost 14 weeks along and Baby Evans is due July 14. :) I've included a picture of my 8 and 12 week ultrasounds, along with the most current picture of my baby bump :)

8 Week Ultrasound

12 Week Ultrasound

12 Weeks- The baby's the size of a lime :)

One of my friends recommended a blog to me where a friend of hers posted a survey that she took every week during her pregnancy. It was the same survey each week, but of course some of the answers changed from week to week. I've decided to use the survey on my blog as well! We'll see how much changes over the coming weeks! :)

How far along? 13, almost 14 weeks.
How big are babies? Almost three inches (the size of a medium shrimp or a peach)
Weight gain? about a half a pound since last week
Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!
Sleep? I'm still sleeping pretty well... just have to get up super early in the morning to go to the bathroom!
Best moment of the week? Beginning my daily exercise routine (walking for 30 minutes in our neighboorhood)
Food and Cravings? Japanese food this week.. Mitch and I went to Sumo's to fix that craving :)
Movement? No movement yet... Can't wait for it! :)
What I miss? Wearing my old clothes that no longer fit...
Belly Button? Still an innie :)
Looking forward too? I'm really looking forward to finding out if Baby Evans is a boy or girl at the end of February!
Milestone? 12 week ultrasound- Saw Baby Evans kick for the first time :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Whirlwind December..

December was such a whirlwind for my family... My precious brother, Charlie, passed away suddenly the morning of December 15. Charlie was such an inspiration to everyone he came in contact with and God used him GREATLY in my life. I already miss him so much... So happy to know that he's walking, talking, and seeing for the first time in his life and he's doing these miraculous things with Christ... The joy that fills my heart! God is so good and I'm so happy for Charlie, but this has been extremely hard on us... He will be missed forever, but I WILL see him again one day.. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH CHARLIE <3 style="text-align: center;">