Monday, February 21, 2011

18 and 19 Weeks!

Are you surprised that I'm behind?! :) :) Playing catch-up once again!

18 Weeks :)

19 Weeks :)

How far along? 19 1/2 weeks..

How big is the baby? About 6 1/2 inches long and half a pound :)

Weight gain? Will know Friday!

Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!

Sleep? I've been so exhausted that I've slept GREAT!

Best moment of the week? Being able to tell that I have a "Baby Bump"

Food and Cravings? I haven't really had any cravings this week..

Movement? I haven't felt the baby move this week that I know of.. Thinking the last time was a false feeling!

What I miss? Being thinner, although the weight gain is for a great reason! :)

Belly Button? Still an innie! :)

Looking forward to? FRIDAY at 9:30! My 20 week appointment where we'll find out if Baby E's a boy or girl!

Milestone? A true, official "Baby Bump" :)