Throughout my pregnancy I'm trying to keep our blog updated with weekly pregnancy pics and survey and I feel like I'm already behind! haha! I've included two pictures this week, one from Week 13 and one from Week 14! I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow, so I'll be adding another within the next few days!
Week 13.. The baby's the size of a peach this week!
14 weeks... The baby's the size of a lemon this week! :)
Best moment of the week? The start of my "Baby Bump"! :)
Food and Cravings? chocolate chip cookies this week... not a healthy craving!
Movement? No movement yet..
What I miss? Being able to wear my old clothes!
Belly Button? Still an innie :)
Looking forward to? Hearing our sweet one's heartbeat again at our Feb. 1 appointment (16 week appt)
Milestone? The beginning of a "Baby Bump"! :)
How far along? 14 weeks, 15 weeks tomorrow!
How big is the baby? Almost 4 inches :)
Weight gain? about a pound since last week
Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!
Sleep? I'm used to sleeping on my stomach and it's becoming more difficult to sleep comfortably throughout the night on my stomach, so I end up on my side :)
How big is the baby? Almost 4 inches :)
Weight gain? about a pound since last week
Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!
Sleep? I'm used to sleeping on my stomach and it's becoming more difficult to sleep comfortably throughout the night on my stomach, so I end up on my side :)
Best moment of the week? The start of my "Baby Bump"! :)
Food and Cravings? chocolate chip cookies this week... not a healthy craving!
Movement? No movement yet..
What I miss? Being able to wear my old clothes!
Belly Button? Still an innie :)
Looking forward to? Hearing our sweet one's heartbeat again at our Feb. 1 appointment (16 week appt)
Milestone? The beginning of a "Baby Bump"! :)
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