Mitch and I are expecting our first child in July!!! We are soooooo excited about this blessing that God's given us! I'm 13, almost 14 weeks along and Baby Evans is due July 14. :) I've included a picture of my 8 and 12 week ultrasounds, along with the most current picture of my baby bump :)
12 Weeks- The baby's the size of a lime :)
One of my friends recommended a blog to me where a friend of hers posted a survey that she took every week during her pregnancy. It was the same survey each week, but of course some of the answers changed from week to week. I've decided to use the survey on my blog as well! We'll see how much changes over the coming weeks! :)
Weight gain? about a half a pound since last week
Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!
Sleep? I'm still sleeping pretty well... just have to get up super early in the morning to go to the bathroom!
How far along? 13, almost 14 weeks.
How big are babies? Almost three inches (the size of a medium shrimp or a peach)Weight gain? about a half a pound since last week
Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!
Sleep? I'm still sleeping pretty well... just have to get up super early in the morning to go to the bathroom!
Best moment of the week? Beginning my daily exercise routine (walking for 30 minutes in our neighboorhood)
Food and Cravings? Japanese food this week.. Mitch and I went to Sumo's to fix that craving :) Movement? No movement yet... Can't wait for it! :)
What I miss? Wearing my old clothes that no longer fit...
Belly Button? Still an innie :)
Looking forward too? I'm really looking forward to finding out if Baby Evans is a boy or girl at the end of February!
Milestone? 12 week ultrasound- Saw Baby Evans kick for the first time :)
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