Time goes by soooooooo fast! I can't believe that I'll be 17 weeks along on Thursday. We're already so in love with this baby. Today at my 16 week appointment I got to hear our sweet one's heartbeat. Since I only get to hear his/her heartbeat at my doctor's appointments each month it's such a special time for me. Tears filled my eyes today when I heard the precious sound... God is so good and I'm beyond thankful with how He's taken care of me and the baby over the past weeks. I pray for this child daily and I'm so excited to learn of the exciting plans that God has for his/her future.
How far along? 16 1/2 weeks
How far along? 16 1/2 weeks
How big is the baby? About 5-6 inches long
Weight gain? 3.5 lbs since my 12 week appointment
Stretchmarks? Thankfully, not yet!
Sleep? I can't sleep on my stomach anymore...
Best moment of the week? Hearing my love's heartbeat today at my doctor's appointment!
Food and Cravings? Cookies and Cream Ice Cream :)
Movement? No movement yet.. Can't wait for it to happen!
What I miss? Being able to fit into my old clothes..
Belly Button? Still an innie :)
Looking forward to? My 20 week appointment where we find out if Baby Evans is a boy or girl!
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