I have so much to be thankful for and I try to remember this often, but often times I take everyday things for granted and forget about all of the blessings that God has given to me... Since Thanksgiving is coming up in a few weeks I've decided to think of something every day in November that I'm thankful for. Since I'm several days behind, I need to catch up, so here goes!#1 My Husband- Mitch is my absolute best friend and I'm so thankful for God placing him in my life five years ago...
#2 Peaches- What did Mitch and I do before her? Oh the joy this sweet girl has brought into our lives!
#3 My Family- Love them so much... Wish there wasn't so much distance between us, so we could see each other more often... Very thankful for the times that we do get to see one another though!
I have several more to add before I'm caught up! They will be included in my next post! :)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Posted by About Us at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
Favorites of Fall...
Well, it's my favorite time of year again.. Fall! We have experienced such a humid, miserable hot summer that we're very excited for cooler weather! Below are our Top 10 favorite things about fall (not in order) :)
1. Football (college and pro)
2. Apple Cider
3. Leaving changing into beautiful colors..
4. Cool, Crisp Air
5. Scarves and Cute Boots (Leigh Ann, not Mitch)
6. Fall Festivals
7. Hayrides
8. Fall Decorations (pumpkins, scarecrows, candles, etc.)
9. Corn Mazes and Pumpkin Patches!
10. Christmas being just around corner! :)
Posted by About Us at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sweet Babies :)
Peaches had sweet baby pups on September 18, 3 boys and 3 girls. I can't believe they are already 10 days old! Peaches is such a good moma, watching over them, always wanting to be with them, and willing to feed them when they wimper. For the past ten days though Peaches and I have had to tag team, me putting the pups with her every two hours and her feeding them at all hours of the day. It's been tiresome and exhausting, yet so worth it. I've fallen in love with each little pup and I'm going to have a very difficult time selling them in a few weeks... Below are a few pics that I've taken of these sweet little babies. :)
Peaches is VERY protective of her babies... This is a sweet moment where she wanted to be right by their side. The pups are in the covered laundry basket in order to keep warm.
Posted by About Us at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Savannah :)
Mitch and I celebrated our third anniversary on June 23. We decided to take a quick trip to Savannah, Georgia since neither one of us had been there and it's only a short drive from Lexington. We fell in love with this beautiful city... We enjoyed spending a few days with just one another and getting away from life's "busyness".... While in Savannah, we had fun checking out the shops along the river and trying out many new restaurants. Of course we had to visit Paula Deen's restaurant, The Lady and Sons! :) Here are a few pictures from our mini vacation.... :)
Posted by About Us at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Craft Shows :)
Table display at my first show- Sparkleberry Country Fair
Posted by About Us at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
It's been a while...
Wow! It's been a while since I've updated... Things have been so crazy and busy that the blog has completely slipped my mind... I will try to update more often! :)
The past couple of months Mitch has been super busy along with the other pastors at the church working on the building project. Over the past two months, the children and youth buildings have been completely gutted and are in the process of a complete renovation. Walls have been torn down, new ones put up and painted, electrical wiring has been redone, and this is only the beginning. We are praying that the "updated" style and more welcoming environment will bring many new children/youth into our church! Please keep the pastors who have been working so hard in your prayers as they finish out the project..
I've been really busy as well the past couple of months... I'm getting ready for my first craft show, which is coming up this weekend. Also, I've been subbing and tutoring several days each week. I've enjoyed being busy and just can't believe that Mitch and I have been in South Carolina for six months already! Time goes by so fast!
Posted by About Us at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Top 5 Reasons Why I Love My Dog...
1. She sleeps most of the day and has the sweetest sounding "snore"...
2. She's excellent company when Mitch is working long hours, which is often lately!
3. She loves unconditionally ALL of the time...
4. She's always happy and never tries to bite or growl (in mean ways)...
5. She's a great playmate and her favorite game is fetch (the empty water bottle) :)
I could go on and on about this sweet girl.... She is loved! :)
Posted by About Us at 5:14 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Last Day of Tutoring...
Today was my last day of tutoring for this school year. Yesterday I finished up at the school I've been tutoring at in West Columbia and today was my last day in Lexington. I can't believe how fast these past two weeks have gone by and I'm really going to miss my kids! It's amazing how attached you become to kids in such a short period of time. Hopefully, I will get the opportunity to sub in some of their classrooms. I can't wait until it starts back up next year! :)
Posted by About Us at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Boutique Bows :)
I've been making lots and lots of hair bows lately in order to get ready for the craft show that I'm going to be going to in late April. Well, this past week I went into a children's boutique in Columbia to see if they would possibly be interested in carrying some of my bows. To be honest, I thought I was crazy for even trying to go into a store like that because generally they are already buying from big name suppliers, but I thought that it wouldn't hurt to ask anyway. All the way to the boutique I was praying that God's will be done in the whole matter.... I was so nervous the whole way there, but once inside God gave me a peace about the situation.. Well, it turned out that the owner loved my bows and wants me to make about fifty for her store! I was so excited, thankful, humbled, and filled with joy! Bow making is a hobby that I absolutely love and I feel so blessed and thankful that God is giving me the opportunity to make bows for the Bumble Boutique! :)
Posted by About Us at 10:30 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
House Party! :)
Sherry, Hannah, and Kalyn
Posted by About Us at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A New Hobby! :)
For those of you that know me pretty well, you know that my favorite store in the world is Hobby Lobby. I could spend hours there browsing and looking at all of the different types of materials, decorations, ribbon, and of course their seasonal section. :) Well, several of my friends have picked up the hobby of making hair bows, so I thought that it sounded like a lot of fun and decided to give it a try! This past week I went into Hobby Lobby with my 40% off coupon and sale paper and fell in love with all of the ribbon they had in stock. I picked up my supplies, headed home and got to work. I have fallen in love with hair bow making! I don't have a little girl yet, but when I do she will be decked out in some cute hair bows! I'm even wanting to do it as a side business because I enjoy it so much. Below are just a few of my creations!
Posted by About Us at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Addicted to 24

Posted by About Us at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
My heart goes out to Haiti...
I have had the above picture on my mind all day... What's going through this little boy's mind? Does he know where his parents are? Is that his mom, sister, or a stranger sitting next to him? I never want to experience and am so thankful that I have not experienced what he is experiencing now...
As soon as I get up in the morning, I immediately turn on the news and watch it as I'm getting ready for the day. This morning, I awakened to the news of the horrific earthquake that occurred in Haiti yesterday. As I listened to the details, tears filled my eyes. So much devastation, so much destruction, so much loss... Why did God allow all of this to happen? Several phrases and promises filled my mind quickly after... God is sovereign... God is good... He knew this horrible tragedy would happen way before it did... He has a plan in all things... My hope and prayer is that the people in Haiti come to know Him through the devastation...
Posted by About Us at 4:44 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
I know this is a little late since we have been in the year 2010 for a little over a week now, but since we just created our blog we wanted to share several great things that happened in our lives in 2009.
Peaches became a part of our family...
"For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever." Romans 11:36
Posted by About Us at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Peaches :)
My dad gave Mitch and I an English bulldog puppy before we moved to South Carolina. Little did we know how much excitement she would bring to our lives! Peaches is seven months old now and still very much in the puppy stage. She loves to play with her toys and play fetch with Mitch and I. She loves attention so much that she is known to misbehave if she's not getting it! Last week we had some friends visiting from Ohio and Peaches decided to scratch a hole through the laundry room wall... She is messy and destructive, but we sure do love her! :)
Posted by About Us at 10:07 PM 0 comments